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Complex projects often require the need to hire a residential architect or building designer. Home architects have the education and experience to help you design the look you want. Visualizing a project in three dimensions is not an easy task. These professionals help steer your project in the appropriate direction, which can help minimize problems during the project.

The cost of residential architects varies depending on where you are located. However, in general the cost of an architect typically ranges from 8% to 15% of the cost of construction. The lower end of that range is for design services only. The upper end of that range is for design and construction administration services (the cost of managing the project through construction).

Architects are professionals who design or remodel new homes or additions. They provide blueprints and plans that show everything from the foundation to the roof. Structural changes, like removing bearing walls, often require the assistance of an architect and sometimes an engineer.

An architect will also provide very specific details for contractors to follow. They produce a materials list and a cost estimate. During construction, they often are hired to oversee the progress of the general contractor. This helps to assure the project is build as it was planned.

Hiring an architect can simplify the project. Although it costs money to hire an architect, they can also help you save both time and money. Some architects charge an hourly fee and others charge a flat fee. Most will provide you an estimate of their time and labor.

Once the architect is done with his/her work, you may want to consider working with an interior designer or decorator. These professionals will help you select paint colors, furniture, fixtures, wall paper, lighting, and other interior elements. They can often provide you discounts on custom and high end products. They too will often provide you a design price estimate if you request it upfront.

Do not be bashful when it comes to expressing your needs and desires to your home designer. The more they hear about your preferences, the more ideas you will give them.
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